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Motorcycle and Motorcycle Riding

î Home overview


Derbi Mulhacen in front of a castle
Derbi Mulhacen and the castle of Sippenaeken, Belgium

Here, you find an overview of the motorcycle and riding pages.
There are tips for motorcycle riders, there is information about the (BMW) GS and other motorcycles, there are adventure stories, and there are links to interesting sites.

Er is een -> nl  Nederlandse versie nl van deze pagina.


When riding motorcycle, things don't always turn out the way you expect: adventures belong to motorcycle riding.
Unfortunately, going down from time to time also seems to belong. Here you find my adventures.

To  Adventures...



I did own (and still own two) several BMW Gsses. It's simply the best allround motorcycle you can find.
Here are portraits of the GSses, and experiences with tires.

To  BMW R1100GS...


Yamaha Tricker

I bought the Yamaha Tricker when I tried to get back in the saddle again after my -> severe motorcycle accident. The Tricker is light, and very easy to ride.
I have got so far that I have bought a -> Derbi Mulhacen, but I decided that the Tricker will not be a temporary motorcycle: I will keep him. It is much fun to ride him on small roads, and it is very easy to ride beside the road as well.

To  Yamaha Tricker...


Derbi Mulhacen

After my -> severe motorcycle accident, riding my BMW R1100GS appeared to have become too difficult. It's too heavy and high for my now stiff joints.

I saw the Derbi Mulhacen for the first time as a prototype, and was very pleased to see him almost unchanged in production. I bought one as a replacement for the BMW.

Here are pages with information and experiences.

To  Derbi Mulhacen...


Other Motorcycles

After my first motorcycle, the R1100GS has always been my "main motorcycle" .
Here are portraits of other motorcycles that I own or did own.

To  Other Motorcycles...


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Motorcycle and Motorcycle Riding

î Home overview
© Copyright Sylvia Stuurman (text) and Ernst Anepool (photo's).
Copyright 1990-now.
e-mail adress: sylviastuurman@gmail.com