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nl Nederlandse versie
van deze pagina.
How does work? What's the structure of the site, how do the links work, an how do you reach one place from another?.
Most of the pages in this site are longer than the window of your browser.
The most convenient way to scroll down tha page is to use the space bar.
In almost every browser the space bar behaves exactly as the PageDown key, but the space bar is far more easy to use.
In a few browsers (in Opera for instance), the space bar will take you to the next page when you're on the bottom of the page, if there is such a page.
Scrolling upwards, (which means backwards) is possible with Shift-space bar.
At the top and bottom of each page is a navigation bar. Apart from the title pf the page, the navigation bar contains several parts that can be helpfull for navigation.
N.B. The bar that is shown here is an image: its links don't work.
At the bottom right of the navigation bar, you find the breadcrumbs (in the example here that's Home Motorcycles BMW GS the R3B ).
The breadcrumbs show you were you are. In the example: on the R3B page, that belongs to the BMW GS pages, that are part of the motorcycle pages.
You can click on every part of the breadcrumbs; you will go to that particular place. That way, you can easily climb up in the hierarchy.
In the left bottom of the navigation bar, there's always a link to the page one level hightr in the hierarchy (in the example that's the overview of the BMW GS page's .
The next page can be found right at the top of the bar. In the example, that's a page about another BMW R1100GS, the Pink Panther.
Using Opera, you can go to the next page by using the space bar (when you have reached the bottom of the page), but not all browsers sipport the space bar that way.
In some cases, there is no next page. The place right at the top of the navigation bar will be empty in such cases.
If there is a previous page, it can be found left at the top of the navigation bar.
There are some travel stories that have a summary in English, and a day to day description in Dutch. In the summary, references will be made to the
Dutch pages, because they contain lots of photographs.
In the navigation bar, the days will show up at the top left side of the bar.
At the top left of each page, below the navigation bar, you will find the menu.
In general, you will not see the full menu. The part of the menu where you are is "folded out", and the rest if "folded in".
In the example here for instance, the countries within the Travel Stories are visible. The countries themselves, and the motorcycle and bird pages, are folded in.
The menu that you see here is an image: it doesn't work!
You can fold out part of the menu by clicking on the plus sign.
You can fold in a part of the menu by clicking on the minus sign.
In each menu there is always a link (at the top) to the sitemap, so you can go to the overview of the entire site from every page.
To get to the top of the page, to see the menu, from any place on a page, you can use the Home-key.
At the bottom of each page is a second menu, at the right side.
From that menu, you can: get to the top of the page, navigate to the sitemap, click on this navigation page, go to the page about the site, or go to the page about copyright: important when you would like to use a photograph.
All links open in the same window!
When you don't want that, use the right mouse button on a link, and choose "Open in neuw window". Another way to achieve the same result is to press Control while clicking, or to adjust the properties of your browser, to have every page open in a new window.
getting back from such a newly opened page to this site is done by pressing Alt-Tab (IE), or Control-Tab (Opera and Firefox).
I chose for this way of opening links because now the user, you, instead of the builder of the website, me, decides how a link is opened.
Links to pages within this site, in the text, are recognisable by the
in many pages there are links to external information, to pages outside this side. These links have the
To search within the site, there is a Google search box at the bottom of each page.
The search box is configured to search within this site by default, but you can configure it to search elsewhere as well.
The End-key will always get you to the bottom of the page (with the search bar). In Opera, you can get the cursor directly in the search box, using the Tab-key.
I always try to build the site in such a way that it looks good in every browser, and that the pages are readable on Palm's or mobile phones.
If something seems not to be correct, don't hesitate to mail me, through
I have the following suggestion for who want to enjoy, for instance, the use af the space bar to navigate between pages: